Friday 1 April 2016

Problema dinamica

Una ragazza di 60 kg sta in piedi su una piattaforma di alluminio di 15 kg per dipingere una casa. Una fune attaccata alla piattaforma e passante su una carrucola fissata al soffitto consente alla ragazza di sollevare se stessa e la piattaforma. (a) Per muoversi la ragazza imprime a se stessa e alla piattaforma un'accelerazione di 0,8 m/s². Con che forza deve tirare la corda? (b) Dopo 1 s la ragazza tira in modo da salire con la piattaforma con la velocità costante di 1 m/s. Che forza deve esercitare sulla corda?
[Ris. (a) 397 N; (b) 367 N.] Vedi anche

m r = 60 kg , mp = 15 kg , m tot = 75 kg , a = 0.8 m/s² , g = 9.8 m/s²

A) Sia F la forza applicata F dalla ragazza che tira la fune verso il basso. Sia T la tensione della fune.
Dobbiamo trovare la forza F. Sia la direzione verso l'alto quella positiva. Si ha
F = T (in modulo)

Sulla massa totale: T + F - mtot g = mr

2 F = mr (a + g) da cui F = 397 N 

Dove la ragazza applica la forza, si ha in modulo F = T (azione e reazione). La forza F è verso il basso e la reazione è verso l'alto; così la corda agisce sulla ragazza verso l'alto.

B) a=0
F = T
T + F - mr g = 0
2F = mr g e quindi: F = 367 N

Problema dinamica

Fate il problema che trovate al link

Gibbs' rule

  • Don't stop checking and rechecking evidence until you are satisfied.

Friday 30 October 2015

Turning "algae from trash into treasure"

Convert harmful algae into Na-ion battery electrodes

29th October 2015
 Written by : Nat Bowers

Saturday 25 July 2015

The Science of Al-Biruni

The Science of Al-Biruni
Al-Biruni (973-1048) was one of the greatest scientists of all times.
He was an astronomer, mathematician and philosopher, and studied
 physics and natural sciences. In this paper, we will discuss
 some of his experimental methods and some instruments he used. 

On the Role of Tsallis Entropy in Image Processing

International Scientific Research Journal ~ ISSN 2412-026X

Link to the Journal IRJ.Science

On the Role of Tsallis Entropy in Image Processing

In image processing, the maximum entropy principle is generally recognized as having a relevant role in the initial part of image elaboration. The first step of processing in fact, sees the entropy used to determine the segmentation of the image, that is, used to determine objects and background in it. Different entropy formulations are available to this purpose, but the most prominent in recent publications is that of the Tsallis non-extensive entropy. Here, we survey some main methods that are using this entropy and the related literature, in particular that reporting the researches concerning medical image processing.

Keywords: Tsallis Entropy; Image Processing; Image Segmentation; Image Thresholding; Medical Image Processing

DOI: 10.18483/IRJSci.79

Link to the paper

Earth 2.0

An artist's guess of what Kepler 452b could look like.T. Pyle/JPL-Caltech/NASA Ames

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Emissions in Atmosphere: Trends and Recurrence Plots

The increase of carbon dioxide concentration in atmosphere, due to anthropogenic emissions, is almost generally considered as responsible of global climate changes. We show some data of CO2 concentration and its emission in atmosphere, using the recurrence plots to enhance the visualization of their trends.  See more at:

Data of CO2 concentration in atmosphere, from [1]. The range is from January 1958 to October 2014. In the image we see the recurrence plot. The global annual mean concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is currently rising at a rate of approximately 2 ppm/year and accelerating [1]. This acceleration is shown by the recurrence plot, where colours are narrowing towards the diagonal line.
[1] Tans, P. & Keeling R. (2014). Trends in atmospheric carbon dioxide, Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). At gmd/ ccgg/ trends/

About 1970, the oil production and import of US had a sharp peak (data from Ref.12). Note how the corresponding recurrence plot evidences this peak.
[12] Vv.Aa. (2014). U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), at

 See more at: